Friday, February 29, 2008

Indians emotional, like murderers, says Perak Gerakan Chief

Yes, that was true according to The Star, that's what he said.

Friday February 29, 2008By CLARA CHOOI

AYER TAWAR: The Indian community should not vote against the Barisan Nasional just because emotions are running high, said Perak Gerakan chief Datuk Chang Ko Youn.

“Cool down and keep your emotions in check. Please bear in mind that the DAP cannot do anything for you,” he said after visiting voters at Ladang Ulu Ayer Tawar on Wednesday.
“If we (the Barisan) lose, who is going to help you? You will regret your decision.”
Chang, a lawyer, compared the current situation to a court hearing.
“It is similar to a case where a simple quarrel leads to murder,” he said.
“Later, when the culprit gets hauled to jail, he will sit there and ask himself, ‘what have I done?’”
“Yes, we might not have done enough for the Indians. We need to work harder to uplift their standard of living,” said Chang, who is facing Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham in the Beruas parliamentary seat this general election. Still, he added, the community should not resort to the drastic action of voting against the Barisan, as this would backfire on them.
According to him Indians should just shut up and 'control their emotions' because “If we (the Barisan) lose, who is going to help you? You will regret your decision.”

Okay Makkals (Voters) , Dato Chang Ko Youn, the Gerakan Chief, is wondering if you can all understand that? Or are you all just too stupid to know even the simplest things like this? Dato Chang is asking if you dont vote for the Barisan, who the hell is going to help you? He says if you do not vote Barisan, you are really, really going to regret it, okay!
The Gerakan has always felt that, on a normal day, any Indian is just a murderer, just waiting to blow his top and kill someone - or NOT vote for the BN. To the Gerakan both situations apply to Indians. That is also why the Gerakan is not fielding even one Indian as a candidate in this General Election. The Gerakan has said that there are no capable Indians.
How can there be any capable Indians to become candidates for political office when they are all out of control, emotional and potential murderers? Dato Chong concluded his remarks with a cool and non-emotional threat to the Indians "the community should not resort to the drastic action of voting against the Barisan, as this would backfire on them."

Excuse me, but isn't this gangster language? What do you mean by 'backfire'? Is the BN is going to murder the Indians if they dont vote for the BN?
We can see clearly who is being emotional, threatening and murderous.

Posted by Raja Petra/malaysia today Friday, 29 February 2008

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